Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Week 4 - Defining a Target Market (b) - Emme's Cater Co (

I've decided to use my friend's catering business Emme's Catering in Carlsbad, CA. The reason that I decided to work with her business is two fold. She needs the help keeping on top of her social media and I just happen to be taking a social media marketing class. So we decided to scratch each other's back.

Currently beyond hew website she is also using Facebook (43 likes) and Instagram (47 followers). She is also considering using Twitter and Pinterest as well. The goal is to determine a viable way to use the latter two and determine if it is in the best interest of Emme's as opposed to jumping on the bandwagon.

My roll is to assist her in using these platforms correctly to no only get her more followers, but also use it as a way to stay in contact with her customers, potential and referrals as well. I think that the interesting piece for me will be learning how to use these platforms to research and not simply promote.

The owner of the company and I have different ideas of what her target market is. She would like to focus her efforts on catering for business breakfasts, brunches and lunches. While I believe that ultimately this is a strong goal for her business plan overall, I have suggested to her that she might want to look at it slightly differently as a way to reach more people.

Currently she is catering for quite a few local breweries who like to have good cuisine paired with their adult beverages. Since this is one of her main methods of getting her name out in the market I think that she should focus on mentioning, while at the events, that she caters for business meal events. This is something that I don't see on her social media as her message and I am not certain that she mentions this while she is out promoting herself. So I would say that her target market are adults who enjoy good food.

Decision makers for any business have personal lives. By making sure that she is out in front of them on a personal and business level is important. A good way to ensure that you are in front of a broad audience is to get a broad spectrum of people a not only seeing you, but also talking about you as well. By mentioning that she primarily does business catering and by getting some good reviews about her business, I think that this will have a positive impact on her business efforts.

Week 4 - Defining a Target Market (b) - Emme's Cater Co (

I've decided to use my friend's catering business Emme's Catering in Carlsbad, CA. The reason that I decided to work with her business is two fold. She needs the help keeping on top of her social media and I just happen to be taking a social media marketing class. So we decided to scratch each other's back.

Currently beyond hew website she is also using Facebook (43 likes) and Instagram (47 followers). She is also considering using Twitter and Pinterest as well. The goal is to determine a viable way to use the latter two and determine if it is in the best interest of Emme's as opposed to jumping on the bandwagon.

My roll is to assist her in using these platforms correctly to no only get her more followers, but also use it as a way to stay in contact with her customers, potential and referrals as well. I think that the interesting piece for me will be learning how to use these platforms to research and not simply promote.

The owner of the company and I have different ideas of what her target market is. She would like to focus her efforts on catering for business breakfasts, brunches and lunches. While I believe that ultimately this is a strong goal for her business plan overall, I have suggested to her that she might want to look at it slightly differently as a way to reach more people.

Currently she is catering for quite a few local breweries who like to have good cuisine paired with their adult beverages. Since this is one of her main methods of getting her name out in the market I think that she should focus on mentioning, while at the events, that she caters for business meal events. This is something that I don't see on her social media as her message and I am not certain that she mentions this while she is out promoting herself. So I would say that her target market are adults who enjoy good food. By mentioning that she primarily does business catering and by getting some good reviews about her business, I think that this will have a positive impact on her business efforts.

Week 4 - Defining a Target Market (a)

I decided to do my comparison on the two diaper companies Econobum vs Cheap Diapers. Right from beginning with the domain or company names gives you a good indication as to what these two businesses are representative of eco-friendliness and bargain prices. Once you arrive at the sites you will notice that my suspensions are correct.

The differences do no stop there. Let's with the diapers themselves. Econobum promotes reusable cloth diapers that are one size fits all, while Cheap diapers promotes the more used disposable option that come in three different sizes to meet customer needs. In my opinion those being targeted by Econobum fit in to 2 different but distinct categories: those whom consider themselves eco-friendly or "green" and those who don't mind the opportunity cost of maintaining the cloth diapers. Cheap Diapers on the hand is exactly the other side of the spectrum. Their diapers are sold at wholesale prices and are disposable. While I don't want to allude that parents who use these diapers aren't eco-friendly, this seems to be a lower priority when considering cost and convenience.

Although both of these companies are family owned and run, They each have their own message that is prominent.  There is one final difference that I would like to point out is in respect to their calls to action. Econobum is promoting their product that has to be purchased from a 3rd party. Cheap Diapers has a call to action that allows consumers to purchase directly from their site. In the long run, those who want to buy from you will do so in most cases. However, if a business distributes their product through a vendor who is not in favor with the consumer, this could lead to lost sales and revenue. The only way that I can see any direct crossover in their customers would be either a change in budget or philosophy on the environment.